segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2013

2014 World Cup at Brazil - we survived!!!

I was in Brazil during the 2014 World Cup.
Some experiences can not be lost.
It Should be written for posterity so that was exciting.
I went to a city called Belo Horizonte.
The National soccer team of my country would play some games there.
The hotel that hosted me was on the other side of town.
We arrived about 3 or 4 days before.
We know a historic City called Ouro Preto.
Beautiful old town, with many old houses.
Impressive as the tires of the cars are good, in Brazil.
Because the asphalt is very bad.
Really, you have to be very happy to come back to the hotel alive.
A lot of  curves and twisty roads.
In many places, you never know what the trucks occupy the entire track
So you have to guess which side you can pass with security.
But we survived.
We then went to the Serra do Cipo.
Very beautiful place if you finally get there.
We decided to stay for a night there.
Because at the first day, we could only get there at 04 p.m.
We ate lots of food, including a strongly smelling thing called “piqui”.
There are interesting types of foods at Brazil.
The human digestive system can not modify the huge smell of food when it enters
And the smell is the same when the food comes out of our body.
“Piki, plantain banana, acai” ... All very exotic and smelly ...
With great difficulty, we managed to get back to hotel in time to go the first game ...
Paying for hosting in two places at once ...
We arrived at the hotel after lunch time on the first game ...
We are glad why someone told us to get out quick to go to game ...
We left at 3 pm. Luck!
Still had time to watch the second time of the play...
And the bus had bathroom ...
To return was more quiet ...
We saw the sunrise on the bus ...
Would have been fine, if it was not an accident ...
Killed only 5 people ... They said it was easy ...
They say it happens in many "anel rodoviário"
This trap traffic would be like a highway around the city ...
But once you enter, it takes a lot of time to get out ...
It gives the impression that there are people living and reproducing there...
And dying... a lot...
Because it comes at great cost and hardly get out ...
After these time, my team was playing in Brasilia ...
They said it was the capital of the country ..
There are no sidewalks ...
Cars park on 90th where the sidewalk would be ...
Also park anywhere they can ...
There are cars everywhere in Brazil ...
Even inside the houses ...
They say taxes were reduced ...
Funny, why a Corolla in Brazil costs more than four times what it costs in my country ...
It was fun trying to get on the stadium...
We went out in the morning ...
For the game that was going to happen at night ...
Someone suggested that walking would be better ...
But we thought we were going to have heat stroke and dehydration ...
We just know the restaurants 24 hours ...
And all the girls who attended the night away at the streets...
Then we was getting used to sleeping on the bus,
But, every long and bad night finally becomes a sunrise...

My team lost ...
And I went back to my country ...
I can not miss Brazil much...
But if I have to go back there to watch another Cup
It will be easy ...
Instead of booking a hotel,
Just book a bus ..
And that is a good bus ...

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